Access to safe water is a basic human right and we are working to ensure that greater water equality is achieved by the people living on poverty.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “The best charity is giving water to drink” [Ahmad]
Your donation can help us to install a water well to provide clean water to the poor and needy people. Donating for a water well is going to be Sadaqah Jariyah as long as it’s in use.
Deep Water Well
A deep water well can transform and protect an entire village by providing clean water and blessings for years to come.
Cost for a deep water well £ ……..?
Hand Pump
A hand water pump can help a family to have access to clean water and reduce the risk of disease and contamination.
Cost for a hand pump £……….?
The costs are estimates only. Actual cost largely depend on the depth drilled, the well’s diameter and depends on the geology of the area it is installed in. Any shortfall of the cost will be covered by Ahmad Foundation Trust, and any surpluses will go towards running cost of other projects of the charity.
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