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Outreach Dawah Project

We are supporting projects which will convey the message of Islam to both Muslims and non-Muslims and remove misconceptions of Islam. Currently, we are supporting Connecting Communities Dawah Project. We shall also be working in partnership with other charities working with similar aims and objectives.
0% Donated
Goal : £10,000.00
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Outreach Dawah Project

We are supporting projects which will convey the message of Islam to both Muslims and non-Muslims and remove misconceptions of Islam.  Currently, we are supporting Connecting Communities Dawah Project. We shall also be working in partnership with other charities working with similar aims and objectives.


Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “The one who called (people) to righteousness will get the same reward as those who followed him, without their rewards being diminished in any respect….” [Muslim]


The Prophet, on him be peace, famously said:

“When a human being dies, all one’s deeds cease, save three: a Sadaqah Jariyah, [religious] knowledge [one leaves behind] from which others benefit, and a righteous child who prays for one” (Muslim).


He said also:

“The best one leaves behind after death are three: a righteous child who prays for one, a Sadaqah Jariyah, the rewards of which continue to reach one, and [religious] knowledge that continues to be applied after him” (Ibn Majah).

Please make donation for Qur’an and booklets.

Qur’an & Booklets (1000 Qur’an + 50,000 booklets)  –  £3000.00

Qur’an & Booklets (500 Qur’an + 25,000 booklets)  –  £1500.00

Qur’an & Booklets (400 Qur’an + 20,000 booklets)  –  £1000.00

Qur’an & Booklets (200 Qur’an + 10,000 booklets)  –  £500.00

Qur’an & Booklets (100 Qur’an + 5,000 booklets)  –  £250.00


Please note that the cost of the Qur’an and booklets may change at the time of purchase, depending on the type of Qur’an and booklets are available.

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